Baby development classes using massage and yoga classes from birth to crawlers

What Buddha Buddies says

Developmental classes using baby massage and baby yoga to create a fun and engaging session for both parent and baby. Each class combines movement with baby yoga and carefully structured baby massage to ensure that your baby is chilled and relaxed by the end of every session. Classes cover developmental aspects that are age-appropriate, using songs and ideas on how you can work with the developmental changes that your baby will be going through in the first year. These classes are suitable for all, no matter what your previous experience is. These are based around your baby's needs, which are rapidly changing as they develop. Classes are full of information on baby reflexes, milestones, teething, weaning, developmental stages and much more. Live classes or online, we work at building a support atmosphere for all parents. A time to share and connect with your baby and other parents. Especially at this time, every parent needs support. So grab your cuppa or coffee (if online) and come and join us! Be prepared - your baby changes too quickly! We will be working with every stage using techniques that you can carry on trying at home. We discuss ways of making your own sensory tools and the best ways to really engage both sides of your baby's brain to boost that brainpower! Fun, engaging classes for both parent and baby. We will always make time to chat and connect with other mums, wether from the online classes or the in person classes. Making connections with other parents is a key factor in EVERY class. We all need support as mums, and these classes are a really great way of spending time with other parents, with open discussions on topics that are relevant to you.


Hi, I am Rachel Hawkes, a mother of twin girls and I have been lucky enough to have been teaching parents for 16 years. I bring my wealth of experience along with a sense of fun to every session. I am a facilitator, passing on knowledge and enabling you to be the best parent you can be.

Rachel Hawkes

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