Baby massage, Musical massage and Introducing solids

What Serendipity Infant & Child Wellness says

Baby Massage
Baby massage is the perfect first class for you to share with your baby from 6 weeks until actively crawling. The fourth trimester is a period of immense change, for both you and your baby. Ease yourselves into the outside world with a calm, friendly and informal class where you can be totally responsive to your baby’s needs.

Musical massage
Musical massage sessions are designed for children aged up to 18 months. We apply the basic massage strokes from calmer stories and weave these techniques into stories, rhymes and play. Basic massage moves are carried out by parents or carers over clothing to the child. The sessions are designed to be a natural extension to the baby massage course, encouraging the continuation of nurturing, loving touch whilst encouraging speech development with songs, rhymes and stories with repetitive elements. Completion of the baby massage course is not necessary to access Musical Massage.


My name is Laura and I am the founder of Serendipity. I am the mum of 3 wonderful children, a wife, a qualified primary school teacher and Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO).

My journey to motherhood was complex and lengthy. My first two children joined our family via adoption. Having been aware of the complex nature of attachment, my husband and I have parented therapeutically. When our birth child joined us, we have continued to parent with attachment in mind; plenty of skin to skin contact, baby massage, contact naps and responsively parenting her.

Throughout my parenting journey, there have been many times when I have felt overwhelmed and in need of my ‘village.’ People to turn to for support and to voice any concerns. I am passionate about supporting families throughout their journey too. Whatever the dynamics of their family: birth, adoptive, step, neurotypical or neurodiverse.

I have a wealth of experience in supporting children with additional needs and their families. Having supported hundreds of families, I am confident in my ability to respond to each child as an individual. Whether that be in regards to a learning disability, neurodevelopmental condition, anxiety or through a bereavement. I have personal experience in parenting children who are neurodiverse and understand the unique challenges each family faces.

I have always been passionate about the need for nurturing touch in helping infants and children to calm and relax through co-regulation. I fell in love with baby massage during classes with my daughter and often applied the moves to my older children as part of a bonding experience. I saw the difference this made and took the opportunity to complete my baby massage instructor training. Eager to further expand my skill set, I then completed calmer stories instructor training in order to support older children using peer massage/ parent-child massage. I strongly believe that nurturing and positive touch is a key cornerstone for positive mental wellbeing.

  • Laura Lampitt

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